Dominic Adshead
Dominic joined The Walking Volunteers in 2008 and has helped mark up the ‘Harbour Bridge to Spit’ routes. He was also involved with Bill Orme and Ian Napier in the 2010-2011 update of the ‘Harbour Bridge to Spit & Manly’ walking route and brochure.
Dominic is a forester, and has previously worked for NSW Forestry Corporation and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, completing a range of on-ground walking track and recreation facility developments. As a consultant he continues to participate in a range of environmental management projects, aiming to be outdoors as much as possible!
Dominic’s favourite Sydney Walk is Waverton to Wollstonecraft stations (via Balls Head Reserve and Badangi Reserve), and his wish-list walk is the Adolf Munkel Trail in the Dolomites, Italy (one day!).