Wianamatta Way

Our Grading System


9.4 kilometres one way


3 hrs 10mins

Suitable for

Walking / Jogging

Trail Grade

Grade 2




Ropes Crossing Station Reserve, Wianamatta Regional Park, Melaleuca Park, Jordan Springs lake Park


Penrith District

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Travel Options

Train/Bus, Car. Park at Ropes Crossing, Jordan Springs shopping centres

Travel Time from Central Sydney

¾ - 1 ¼ hours (by car)



About the Walking Track

From Ropes Crossing you head north to Ropes Crossing Station Reserve and then through Wianamatta Reserve to Callistemon Circuit, Melaleuca Park, Jordan Springs Lake and Jordan Springs shopping centre.
Ropes Crossing, Jordan Springs and Wianamatta Regional Park are built on the site of Australia’s largest munitions complex. Ropes Crossing Station Reserve reminds you that thousands of munitions workers once poured through here. Wianamatta now houses one of the last remaining stands of Cumberland Woodland and, amazingly, a large population of kangaroos and emus! Wandering through this vast woodland you could be a thousand miles from civilisation although there are occasional remnants of its past with some munitions bunkers and an old barbed wire fence. Most of the park is covered with forest regrowth and in a few years all traces of the munitions factories will disappear.

Public Transport

T1 train from Central to St Marys Station and 759 bus from Stand C to stop 1234567 in Hallow Parade, Ropes Crossing. The walk starts at this bus stop. Return by 783 bus from Jordan Springs to Penrith Station. A trip planner is available from Transport NSW web site.
