Murri Yanna Walk

Our Grading System


11.3 kilometres one way


3hr 30mins

Suitable for

Hiking/ Jogging

Trail Grade

Grade 3




Cumberland State Forest, Richard Webb Reserve, Bidjigal Reserve


Hills District

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Travel Options

1. Metro
2. Car (Cherrybrook Metro, Castle Towers

Travel Time from Central Sydney

½ - 1 hour (by car)
Central Sydney



About the Walking Track

A short street stroll along Castle Hill Road from Cherrybrook Metro to Cumberland State Forest and through the forest to Oratava Avenue. Down this road to Aiken Road and Richard Webb Reserve where you follow the Murri Yanna Walk down Darling Mills Creek to Excelsior Creek and the Burraga Track. Up the Burraga and Platypus Tracks to Candlebush Crescent then streets and pathways to Castle Hill Metro.
Enjoy the amazing variety of trees in Cumberland State Forest - Sydney's only urban forest reserve and wander through the Blue Gum High Forest and Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest in the Darling Mills Valley. A large sandstone overhang on the banks of Darling Mills Creek reminds you of the Bidjigal who once roamed this valley while the water dragons on Bidjiwong Rock at the junction of Excelsior and Sawmill Creeks are the last remnants of the native animals that once were prolific here.

Public Transport

T1 train from Central Station to Epping Station and Metro from Epping Station to Cherrybrook Station. Return via Metro from Castle Hill Station to Chatswood Station and T1 train to Central.
A trip planner is available from Transport NSW web site.
